Monday 25 October 2010

Moving on...

So yeah, now that we've officially finished the Interactive Space project, i decided to get an early start on our next project : Animation!

I'll say it now, that i have no idea how to use 3DS Max. No idea at all. So i thought "lets play with the buttons and see what happens". That didn't work, so i looked up the lesson plan, and followed the simple instructions (not that i found them simple).

I started by making a word. This went terribly wrong (because i had no idea what i was doing), so i moved on to an object. To be specific, a cone. I named him Coney the Cone. Here he is:
Starting off with the general shape
After much fiddling, i gave him a mouth too. but that's where i finally got stuck. I really had no idea what i was doing. And what i managed to do, was a complete fluke.
Coney in mesh form
Unfortunately, at some point i gave Coney a dent in his head. You can see it if you look carefully in the picture above.But overall i had fun. It may have taken a while, but i got somewhere, and that's something to be proud of.
Coney has a mouth
Anyway, i will upload a link later to the 'finished' Interactive space project of mine.

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